🎧 Episode #24!
I am joined by the Gen-Z programmer, shape rotator, shitpoaster, and memelord known as ‘Roon’. You can follow him @TSZZL on twitter dot com.
Listen as we discuss the scarcity mindset, anonymous posting, wretched Economics, machine learning, bitcoin, billionaires, and much more.
Roon answers questions like:
How has COVID-19 altered the trajectory of your life?
What is so dangerous about the study of Economics?
What’s the best shape you’ve ever rotated?
What’s your take on people that live with the scarcity mindset?
What’s the tension between what you want to do and what you end up doing?
What about this corner of twitter rubs you the wrong way?
How would you rank the titans of tech?
What do you think about experimenting with psychedelics?
Are people pathologically conflict avoidant, and if so, how?
To what do you attribute your outsized success?
& many more
We hope you enjoy!
#24 @TSZZL Roon, Apex Shape Rotator